
Last year was a significant year for Oxfam in the Philippines as we focused our efforts on strengthening our partnerships through the launch of our new Strategic Partnership Model. This new model affirms the belief that development can only be genuinely and sustainably achieved through deep and...
Photo credit: Christian Aid Philippines
This story about going to lengths to involve marginalized people, or what is known in NGO circles as inclusion, was one of the recurring themes during the first day of the Connect Collaborate Innovate event in Manila. This day was a showcase of success stories and lessons from the Financial...
Fishermen launch newly-built fibreglass boat in Tacloban City (Photo: Carolyn Gluck/Oxfam)
Oxfam in the Philippines is looking to partner with organizations in the Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) that have been working in the fields of VAWG and CEFM.
Members of DEPRIVE, a people's organization in Quezon City. (Photo: Vina Salazar/Oxfam)
Partnership is at the crux of our work. We believe that the only way we can affect lasting change is by working, together.
Flash mob during International Women's Day at Quezon Memorial Circle (Photo: Vina Salazar/Oxfam)
Our work promotes active citizenship, and see that more women, young people, and the poor exercise their political right to influence decisions that affect their lives and livelihoods.
Seaweeds farmers harvesting (Photo: Veejay Villafranca)
Partnership is at the crux of our work. We believe that the only way we can achieve our commitment of elevating the dialogue on gender and reducing injustice often committed to those who live in the periphery of society is by working through partners – organizations that can ensure Oxfam’s works...
38 tonnes of Oxfam aid containing crucial water and sanitation equipment arrived at Cebu International airport for typhoon Haiyan survivors (Photo: Sophie Bowell/Oxfam)
As a sign of our commitment to transparency, Oxfam in the Philippines is registered under the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) since 1988 with the primary purpose of "to relieve poverty, famine or distress".
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