Partner with Us

Partnership is at the crux of our work. We believe that the only way we can achieve our commitment of elevating the dialogue on gender and reducing injustice often committed to those who live in the periphery of society is by working through partners – organizations that can ensure Oxfam’s works and programs are translated into meaningful action. This vision is shared by all Oxfam affiliates, regardless of locality and specificity of action. The importance of how Oxfam relates to its partners, communicates its intentions, and takes responsibility for its actions are crucial in order for partnerships, regardless of form, to be effective and achieve greatest impact in the lives of those that Oxfam wish to transform.
In our almost 30 years of presence in the Philippines, we have worked alongside like-minded civil society groups – the NGOs, the INGOs, community organizations, women’s rights groups, the academe. Oxfam has worked with them all it her almost three decades of work in the Philippines. We have partnered and continue to explore partnerships with the Government and private sector institutions and deem it as important elements in the equation for change. And each brings something unique to the engagements, all crucial, and at different junctures of history, play roles of varying levels of weight and significance. Oxfam recognizes and values diversity of agents for change, and boldly faces up to the challenge of engaging each differently.
For 2015-2016, Oxfam’s partners number forty, with four INGOs for a multi-stakeholder SURGE project and a financial inclusion project, two university-based institutions, an MFI with tie-ups with a rural bank, an online media outfit, and 2 big corporations. An overwhelming 82.5% of this are local NGO’s. A handful of this number have more than one project with different programmes of Oxfam. Fifteen percent are based in the Visayas, 20% from Mindanao, and a big chunk of 65% have base operations from Luzon, where many national offices, networks or coalitions, media institutions and international agencies are primarily headquartered. Although only nine are categorized as women’s rights organizations (WROs), almost all have in varying degrees have mainstreamed gender and development into their mandates, programs and projects, and are in one way or the other involves in the work for women’s empowerment, as well as addressing the rights and welfare of other marginalized groups or sectors. Although there is no government agency included in our 2015-2016 list, many in our programmes explored and forged partnerships with the government, around creating a policy environment facilitative of promoting and protecting peoples’ and communities rights to be active participants in issues affecting their lives.
Fiscal year 2016-2017 will see more tie-ups with private sectors institutions in partnerships around WASH, WHAM, financial inclusion, resettlement and our sustainable livelihoods work, and policy advocacy work around CCA and DRR, care work and women’s economic leadership and empowerment.
If you wish to know more about how Oxfam works with partners, send us your questions through this website's Contact Us page.