International Women's Day 2021

International Women's Day 2021 (Illustration: Irish Flores/Oxfam)

International Women's Day 2021 (Illustration: Irish Flores/Oxfam)

Oxfam, with its commitment of putting gender at the core of its work, will once again join the celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8, 2021. Thru the IWD 2021, Oxfam will express its vision of gender justice through a campaign on women in leadership in the time of a global pandemic, in line with the IWD 2021 global theme.

The theme celebrates the tremendous efforts of women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, Oxfam’s IWD 2021 campaign will take on a celebratory tone, even against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. Paying tribute to women leaders and front liners will anchor the initiative. Our campaign will focus on moving forward from the COVID-19 pandemic through the inspired and passionate advocacy of women leaders from different sectors and from across the spectrum.

We will adapt “We Make Herstory in the COVID-19 World” as our local campaign theme to build upon the success of previous campaigns and initiatives.

The IWD 2021 campaign aims to engage Oxfam partners and the public in responding to the impacts of the pandemic and to spotlight the roles of women leaders, front liners, humanitarian workers, and scientists in the areas of food security, health, economic and asset recovery, shared care work, prevention of gender-based violence, and sexual health and empowerment.

This year’s International Women’s Day will be mostly online, with the following activities:

Be part of this journey as women in leadership assert their power even against  the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, remaining focused on achieving an equal future, breaking glass ceilings, stamping their class of valour, resilience and compassion. Women have proven they can, on March 8, International Women’s Day, and every day, working together we make herstory.

There are many other actions that you can take to be part of this year’s celebrations.

 MAKE HERSTORY through these simple actions: