Policy papers

E.g., 02/23/2025
E.g., 02/23/2025
NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC NTP CrFS.pdf NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC NTP CrFS.pdf 322.61 KB Oxfam publicly acknowledges that the Climate-Resiliency Field Schools (CrFS) program was developed by and introduced to the BINDS project by Rice Watch and Action Network (R1). In the BINDS project, R1 was engaged in...
A woman fisherfolk receives her Electronic Prepaid Solution (EPS) Card during a distribution in Tacloban City (Photo: Christian Poleno/Oxfam)
Delivering aid to a large, displaced population provides challenges for governments, the private sector and aid organizations in the aftermath of any humanitarian crisis. The increasing scale and impact of disasters calls for innovative solutions for a more efficient and effective delivery of cash...
Oxfam in the Philippines: 2016 Annual Report
This report highlights the results of Oxfam’s first year of work under our new country strategy. Some are conveyed in numbers, while others in stories of change in the lives of people we worked with. We hope the numbers and the stories resonate with your own hopes and dreams for the most poor...
Saganang Amin publication (Original photo: Veejay Villafranca)
Saganang Amin captures the stories of women as they gather food amidst their struggles for land and water rights, for secure settlements and protection against natural and economic shocks, for a voice in their own households, and for equal recognition and opportunity in this country.
The Peace Council is an independent group of citizen leaders who conducted a study of the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL), the legislation that is intended to embody the provisions of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB) between the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the...
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