Policy papers

E.g., 02/21/2025
E.g., 02/21/2025
We at Oxfam Pilipinas dream of and work towards a future free from poverty and injustice. We strive to keep women’s rights at the heart of everything we do. Thank you to our partners, supporters, and donors who make this possible.
Spouses Romulo and Pastora Samson share care responsibilities at a local river and public laundry site in Barangay Santo Nino, Quinapondan, Eastern Samar. Access to clean water is a challenge for their community of farmers and fisherfolk because they need to take several trips to the river to bathe, collect water for the household, or wash their clothes. Now, with their local government recently enacting an ordinance on unpaid care work, their barangay must provide them with easier access to a safer water s
In the Philippines, a country extremely vulnerable to natural hazards and climate-related disasters, which exacerbate poverty and preexisting social vulnerabilities, women and girls do up to five to six times as much unpaid care and domestic work as men.
At the World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016, governments, people affected by crises, civil society, private sector, UN agencies, international organizations, and other humanitarian actors came together and committed to changes that would make life-saving action more effective. Among the commitments was to strengthen local humanitarian systems, a commitment that Oxfam embraces. This study synthesizes the experience, practice and learning of Oxfam Philippines in its local humanitarian leadership approach and
At the World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016, governments, people affected by crises, civil society, private sector, UN agencies, international organizations, and other humanitarian actors came together and committed to changes that would make life-saving action more effective. Among the...
Clerence Tamara, a leader in her island community in Vanuatu on disaster preparedness and risk reduction, blows a conch shell—a warning signal for her community. “In my community, we blow the conch shell in emergencies, and it means ‘act now!’ I would like to blowthe conch shell so everyone in the world can hear it, because climate change is an emergency, and to stop it, we all need to act now.” (Photo: Elizabeth Stevens/Oxfam America)
From 2014 to 2020 Oxfam embedded an Emergency Response Fund (ERF) in its multiyear disaster risk reduction programs in Asia-Pacific and Central America. The Oxfam ERF was designed as a flexible funding mechanism to prioritize small-scale, under-the-radar, and forgotten emergencies and help local...
We Are Oxfam Pilipinas
Oxfam Pilipinas: Who We Are We at Oxfam Pilipinas are dreaming and working for a future where Filipinos are free from poverty. Our dream is for a country that is resilient, where gender justice and active citizenship thrive. For more than 30 years, serving in a country where close to 27 million now...
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